Thursday, December 18, 2008

Questions Part Two

So right now at C3 we're talking about how each of us has a unique role in the Body of Christ. Part of discovering our "fit" involves getting to know ourselves and our personal style; how we're wired.

It's kind of old school, but I still enjoy using the "personality inventory" as a tool in this process. You know, those sheets that have a bunch of character traits on them, and you select from each set of traits, the one that you think best describes you. At the end you transfer your answers to a scoring sheet that helps describe your personal style, or personality type.

 I know, "tests" like this have some inherent weaknesses, but hey, what have humans ever developed that doesn't? Anyway, kept in a proper perspective, I also like how much fun people have with it. 

So my next question for you is:

What character trait do you most admire in others?

If you want a list character traits to get you started, you can go here:

In Him We Live,


katdish said...

Well, pretty much everything that I'm not. Namely:

analytical, concise, well organized, thoughtful (as in, really thinks before they talk), a good listener, able to grasp complex ideas, planner, and someone knowledgable in home repair and maintenance. (namely, Ron).

I also admire some of my own qualities in others, but can you imagine the mess we'd be in if everyone was sanguine? (involuntary shudder)

And I'm pretty sure when Ron put "crafty" down on my description, he thought that meant "arts and crafty".

Brad Ruggles said...

I really admire the character trait of authenticity. I love it when people are real about who they are and what they're struggling with.

btw, first-time visitor to your blog. Enjoyed looking around!

Jeff said...

Katdish- I know what your're saying. I think it's a pretty healthy thing to get a chance to see all those traits described (like in the inventory we took). No only do you get to know yourself a little better, you can be reminded of all the ways your spouse is awesome. Tamara is definitely the jelly to my peanut butter.

Brad- Glad you stopped by for a visit! Great comment, and I agree totally. We're never going to be perfect, but we ought to be real.

heartafire said...

I most admire humility...

and all the virtues that seem to go along with that.

Trusting God.

And, as Katdish said, all the things I'm not.