Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Questions, Part Three

I fancy myself to be a creative kind of guy. I enjoy the process of making something new. But I also believe that you don't need to re-invent the wheel; sometimes a thing is so good in it's original form that the best thing we can do is just point to it. 

That's the way I felt about the first "question" I posted, and that's the way I feel about what I've got for you today. But first, give me a minute for a somewhat connected tangent.

I just finished reading a book called Crazy Love, by Francis Chan. I would HIGHLY recommend that you pick this book up and read it. (Come on, you know that sometimes you get books and they just sit on your shelf- with good intentions. Don't let this be one of them.) 
Anyway, the quote you're about to read isn't from him. It's from John Piper. BUT, I read this quote in Francis Chan's book, and in all fairness I think you should know how I found it.  

So this quote is originally from John Piper's book God Is the Gospel. This is my last question for this series of posts. I'm not sure you'll want to answer out loud, but if you do want to comment, I'd really like to hear from you on this one. Here it is:

"The critical question for our generation--and for every generation--is this:  If you could have heaven, with no sickness, and with all the friends you ever had on earth, and all the food you ever liked, and all the leisure activities you ever enjoyed, and all the natural beauties you ever saw, all the physical pleasures you ever tasted, and no human conflict or any natural disasters, could you be satisfied with heaven, if Christ was not there?

In Him We Live,


[John Piper, God Is the Gospel (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2005), 15]


Beth said...

Wow. That's a good one. I'm gonna try to read Crazy Love, too...

Well, I'll be honest. I know as a Christian, the answer is supposed to be no, but it really does sound like a pretty good time, doesn't it? If heaven was like this, it would satisfy for awhile...but you know how you think you really want something, and then when you get it, it's not a big deal after awhile. I think it would eventually get to that...and we'd be back to longing for something more. And Christ is the only thing that can satisfy for ETERNITY. I think heaven is going to blow away all the things we think are great now.

Jeff said...

Thanks for the comment, Beth!

I agree, I think we would still be longing. This question really bothered me personally, because I think a lot of us (self included) know the "right" answer- especially when we're talking about heaven, but still would admit that we struggle with living that way right now.

Let me know what you think of Crazy Love. I have a feeling you'll enjoy it...

katdish said...

Whoa! Dropping that bomb at the end of the question is so John Piperish!

I'd like to say no, that seeing the face of Jesus is all I really long for, but if you put a gun to my head, I honestly don't how I would answer that. Much to ponder, Jeffro. Much to ponder.

P.S. - I need to come get that book!

heartafire said...

Of course not. (to answer your question.) It sounds very bland and boring without the Creator Himself there.

Yikes. I think that would be hell for me.

But, sorry.

No fan of "Crazy Love."

Jeff said...


"No fan of Crazy Love." Well, it's certainly not Scripture, so we can agree to disagree on the book, but I am curious as to what you didn't like.

If you'd like to share some specifics, I'd appreciate hearing them. Thanks for the comment!

nitewrit said...


I've read enough bios of rich people that basicly had this little heaven (except perhaps without the threat of sickness) to know to say no. There have been people who had all they could want, many friends, isolation from conflict and I haven't found one who was satisfied and didn't want more. It is usually this wanting more that tears apart the Heaven they have.

How long is a child happy over a new toy? I don't believe it is in human nature to be satisfied with worldly paradises. The true hell of Hell is the total absence of God; making it a pleasant place will not fell the void of a spirit within.

My opinion.

Larry E.